Each paper will be double-blindly reviewed by at least three reviewers; this is an requirement as AOPR is a "Refereed Conference". Please adhere to this requirement when you prepare for your paper. Double-blindly means that the author of a paper does not know the reviewers of his/her paper and reviewers do not know the authors of the papers they reviewed.
AOPR 2021 conference proceeding published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series and indexed by EI. ISSN: 1742-6596. Volume 2112
AOPR 2022 conference proceeding published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series and indexed by EI. ISSN: 1742-6596. Volume 2464
AOPR 2023 conference proceeding published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series and indexed by EI. ISSN: 1742-6596. Volume 2597



For further information of the Conference, please contact the secretary of AOPR2024:

Ms. Chen(陈老师)

(Conference Secretary)

(1) Via Email: aoprconf@163.com

(2) Tel/WeChat:  +86- 13296635953
    (AM 9:00--AM 12:00, PM 14:00--PM 17:30, Monday to Friday)

The Secretary office of  AOPR2024 will collect contributions and finish daily organizing work. 

All paper review process will be completed by Program Committee Member and invited experts.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Email: aoprconf@163.com

Tel and Wechat: +86 13296635953